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  1. You can leave your reply here!
    Just put in your name and email id and you’re set to go!


    • Anonymous says:

      i think it would be nice to have a forum or probably jus a group on facebook on CAB-POOLING, specially for the airport.. hope u would help get this going…because posting on mit group or elsewhere seems inappropriate, a group devoted the sole purpose wud make it easier and efficient.
      PS: i dont think your manipal online cab is activate… is it?! πŸ˜›

  2. Excellent….full of innovative and useful features…!

  3. KALPIT says:

    Awesome website yaar really yaar amazing
    congo on release

  4. JD says:

    WOOT WOOT!! Love it!

  5. blogschange says:

    is women’s day or any of these days attributed for certain or all people, special in any way?if yes/no why?

  6. deepvenky says:


  7. Anirudh says:

    Everything is here !

  8. S Sriram says:

    This is a very nice site ; well designed & informative. Keep up the good work!

  9. Amit Sengupta says:

    Great work buddy…!!

  10. Prashanth V. says:

    Guys its very well designed…great work ppl!!!
    Hearty Congratulations!!

  11. Divya says:

    Gaurav, you’re doing a great job!! πŸ™‚

  12. Thanks everybody for your comments and support!
    @Divya: Thank you! I’d not be here if not for the crew! Really thankful to em!

  13. Mollik says:

    A really awesome site guys…very informative congrats…

  14. When will the freshers get a break,that is, apparently given to the freshers in the month of Sept. or Oct.??

  15. GOPAL KRISHNA says:


  16. Michelle George says:

    Awesome..one of a kind ,frikkin cool website!! \m/!! ….cant wait to join in! πŸ™‚

  17. Harshita Dhal says:

    Amazing website!!!Everything,everyplace and all latest stuff info available. Kudos to the team who created it and keep it going:)

  18. abcd says:

    This site is amazing πŸ™‚ Keep up the good work guys.

    Hey, is there a similar site for KMC students?

  19. Manasa Rao says:

    Basically not a Manipalite, But joined the site as soon as I bumped in. Pretty informative and well crafted. Gaurav and Team, Keep up the good work and Bestaluck!!

    Keep us updated!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Timings of end sem exams?

  21. Anonymous says:

    shudn’t u make it the “official” page of manipal, now that u’ve signed the MOU with the college? πŸ™‚

  22. Anonymous says:

    chemistry cycle first year ki slides upload kar do

  23. Anonymous says:

    plz post maths assignment,,…

  24. kush says:

    maths assignment plzzz

  25. anonymous says:

    where is it? cant find it

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