Archive for the ‘AIESEC’ Category

The Consortium.

Posted: April 1, 2012 by Rambo in AIESEC
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What a week it was, 4 days of music, dance and fine arts. It feels good to see each and every person of the college in a festive mood… Truly, MIT is never inactive.

So what’s next for all you out there… Well, as you all know that we love participation and being involved in something or the other, here comes another opportunity for Manipal University students to get involved in something meaningful, something that will help them know what really lies ahead in the world after college.
Bringing together professionals from a variety of fields, from the organizers of 2010’s largest corporate forum of Mangalore-Udupi region, here comes yet another event which not only has a value-add factor for all of you, but provides you a platform to interact, network, socialize with the ones who want to and who have made it big.

The Consortium ’12….

4th April, 6-9 PM, New Amphitheatre (Near Syndicate bank, opposite Sirocco Coffee Valley)

  •  Formal/ Semi-formal wear only
  •  Tickets- Rs 80 for all students of Manipal University
  •  To book/buy a ticket, contact us on our FB page or on the following numbers
    • Shobit: 8095128602
    • Pulkit : 9535680079
    • Antara: 9535680095

“Hey AIESEC! WASSUP” bellowed as the frenzy picked up at AIESEC Global Village Pre-Event. A tent was set up next to Kamat Circle, for this event which was a sneak peek into the actual Global Village which would be held on a much larger scale in the next month. AIESEC’s core essence is global awareness, exchange and internationalism; what better way to showcase these values, than to create a medium of interaction between Indian students and the foreign interns?

Interns from other countries and last vacation’s exchange participants from Manipal had set up stalls and oriented visitors on their internship experiences and general facts about the country.  Some of the interns even prepared indigenous food items and distributed samples to the visitors! The typical AIESEC jive songs to the hottest tracks were plentiful, and at regular intervals. The event witnessed a massive turnout, as students flocked to the stalls to meet the interns and to arouse their taste buds! Here are some of the countries represented at the event:


Global Village 058 (500x375)Shashank, an ICAS student went on an internship to Egypt, where he taught children English, maths, general science and even sports at an orphanage. He visited the Pyramids, Sphinx, the boats used to carry stone for the construction of Pyramids, the Mohammad Ali Mosque and even a 4000 year-old mummy. He also blended in with the Egyptian culture and society – be it the Belly Dance, Sufi Dance or the Egyptian Revolution or sheesha.  The traditional cuisine included wine leaves, koshari, falafeland fool and shavarma.


Global Village 070 (500x375)China was represented by two interns, Jane and Leo, working for a Project Umang, under an NGO Akshay Patra whereby they teach students in Mangalore and surrounding areas about general culture, hygiene, and nutrition. They brought a range of food items including cabbage, egg, beans and capsicum which visitors relished. They also taught the visitors how to use chopsticks, and also displayed calligraphy – both integral parts of Chinese culture.

Leo also had two notebooks with him. One had questions from his Chinese friends for the Indians. One was for his friends in India, to ask questions to the Chinese. The books were offered to the visitors, to either ask or answer. It was a very simple exercise, but a well-thought one with a lot of depth and a long term prognosis.


Global Village 109 (500x375) Ukraine, by far the largest country in Europe in terms of area, made its presence felt at the event. The Borcht soup prepared by the Ukraine interns was a delight to indulge in. A brief presentation was shown on the EURO football 2012 tournament signifying the tradition of football in Ukraine. Besides that, the presentation also showcased the culture and heritage of Ukraine.


Global Village 062 (500x375)
Some of the students, including Nikita Shiv from MIT, who had been to Russia last year for internship on “Project International New Year “discussed their experiences with us. They taught school children English language, learnt Russian numerical system and the experience was instrumental in improving their overall personality.


Simone Siegenthale briefed us about the experiences she has had while doing her internship here, describing it as a “pleasant experience”. She prepared chocolates on her own for everyone, not Lindt, but definitely very close in terms of taste.

Abhishek Kochhar, Vice President for Communications and Marketing,AIESEC Manipal University said “The whole idea of Global Village is to break the stereotypes between different cultures and to promote Internationalism, and Exchange”.

Global Village 081 (500x375)                    Global Village 082 (500x375)

I suggest it really is worth it to experience the wonderful concept of exchange at least once in your student life and to be part of the World’s largest youth-run organization.

This was just a preview. However, after observing this trailer, one just can’t wait for the main event to start.



If you want to register to go on exchange this summer, log on to:

To get that one-of-its-kind exposure and be a part of the world’s largest youth-run organization, log on to:

Another powerfull AIESEC experience

Posted: February 9, 2012 by Gaurav Prakash in AIESEC
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AIESEC’s intern Noelle talks about the internship AIESEC offered her in India.

My summer had already been planned out – summer classes to make my senior year even lighter, and a short visit to my then boyfriend who’s studying abroad. When we broke up late 2010, heartbroken me started to resign myself to just taking summer classes – when a course mate of mine emailed me about going on AIESEC internship this summer. It was perfect – a chance to get away from everything and try something new.


Fast forward a few weeks, and my internship had already been planned out – I was going to Romania to teach kindergarten children. It had always been my dream to visit this part of Europe and I was incredibly excited, to the point that I already had guidebooks about the country and region in general. Unfortunately, travel details didn’t push through. Again, heartbroken me started to resign myself to just taking summer classes – when I got an email from AIESEC Manipal University, inviting me to an internship with White Doves, a social welfare organization involved in helping impoverished people in Mangalore, a city one and a half hours away from Manipal by bus. The job would have me interacting with the inmates through workshops to help them express themselves, as well as trying to find out about their lives before they were housed by the organization.

I accepted the offer, and amazingly enough, the visas and travel details were fixed with such ease. Before I knew it, I was off to India, with only a hastily stuffed Lonely Planet guide in my handcarry to usher me along my first trip abroad alone. When I got to Manipal, though, AIESEC members, as well as my wonderful co-interns, were there to make me feel right at home.

read more

On the 28th January, AIESEC Manipal University held a formal gathering in order to felicitate the outgoing executive body and discuss the future initiatives which will be instrumental in taking their organization forward. The attendees of the gathering were the elites of the organization including Dr. Vinod Bhatt, the Pro Vice Chancellor of Manipal University and other dignitaries who are a part of the board of advisors of AIESEC Manipal University.

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The event started at 7 pm with the traditional lamp lighting ceremony, in the Akaash hall of the Valley View hotel.

Dr Bhatt spoke on how AIESEC Manipal University hasn’t turned back since the past three years, with each passing year turning out to be a stepping stone. He also stressed on the fact that the whole purpose of AIESEC’s student exchange program was to give the students a taste of a different culture, take up socially conscious projects and get to know the world better and this learning concept will go a long way in providing the right kind of learning in today’s generation. It was indeed an honor to see him share his experiences with us.


Anna Rego, president AIESEC Manipal University for the year 2011, then took the podium elaborating on the year that just went by. Exchange delivery through effective stakeholder management, a staggering 157 per cent increase in student exchange programs and the successful tie ups with 8 new NGOs were some of the prominent points put forward.

Vishant Kothari, the president-elect for 2012, then shared the year plan for 2012 with the audience which was followed by a vote of thanks to several officials of the University apart from the board of advisors.

The year 2011 has indeed been a notable year for AIESEC Manipal University. It was awarded ‘the most progressive Talent Management award’ for the year 2011, in the national AIESEC plenary. It’s now been ranked no 3 in Financial Management sector and no 5 in Outgoing Exchange in the AIESEC India network comprising of 20 local offices.


Furthermore, it has been successful in building international collaborations with countries like Russia, Germany, China, among many others. Six social projects successfully concluded in the year that went by and several successful events delivered, the most prominent being Global Village, Impact Week and Balakalakaar.DSC00782

Post this was the special moment for the outgoing leadership body, which were handed over Letters of Recommendation from the university based on their performance as leaders in one of the most premiere student organization of the world.

The scrumptious dinner that followed was just the perfect icing on the cake to conclude what had been an eventful evening.

Looking back at how successfully it has been able to expand its wings with each passing year, we really feel proud to be associated with AIESEC Manipal University and wish them all continued success for their future endeavors.

And for all those who aspire to have such experiences in life, I must suggest you to join AIESEC and take as much learning as you can from this organization which I would like to call a platter full of opportunities.

To join AIESEC- log on to

By Anubhav Shrivastava
Photos by : Divyam Hansaria

AIESEC Manipal University is now recruiting!

Posted: January 19, 2012 by Gaurav Prakash in AIESEC
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Click below to apply


AIESEC Invites you to Balkallakar

Posted: October 31, 2011 by Gaurav Prakash in AIESEC, Uncategorized
मुस्कुराती आँखों और टिमटिमाती मुस्कान ने,
बहलाया था आज तक दिल को,
पर ना जाने क्यूँ आज फिर रुला दिया....
आँखों में उनकी कुछ ख्वाब पिरोने के,
ख्वाब दिखाए थे अपने दिल को,
पर पल में ही ना जाने क्यूँ ख्वाबों को आँसुओं से सजा दिया...
कैसे लफ़्ज़ों में ब्यान करूँ उनकी मासूम मुस्कुराहतों को,
कैसे बयान करूँ आँखों की उनकी उन मासूम सवालो को,
कैसे दिखाऊँ ख्वाब उनकी ख्वाबों भरी निगाहों को,
कैसे उनकी सच्ची मुस्कुराहतों में पनाह दूँ अपनी मुस्कुराहतों को,
आसमान छूने के भी सपने होते है ये कहाँ उन्हे पता होगा,
चाँद पे भी हम जा चुके है ये कहाँ उन्हे पता होगा,
परीयाँ क्या होती है उन्हे क्या पता होगा...

चंदा को मामा और सूरज को चाचू कहाँ वो बुलाते होंगे,
उन्हे कहाँ पता होगा दीवाली के दीपकों के पीछे की कहानी,
कौन सुनाता होगा उन्हे परियों की कहानी,
मैं तो चला था उन्हे कुछ ख्वाब दिखाने,
मैं तो चला था उन्हे दुनिया दिखाने,
मैं तो चला था उन्हे कुछ सिखाने,
मैं तो चला था उन्हे मुस्कुराना सिखाना,
पर ये तो मैने कभी ना सोचा था की मैं वहाँ कुछ सीख पाऊँगा,
जीना सिखाते सिखाते खुद मुस्कुराना सीख जाऊँगा,
abcd पढ़ के ही वो खुश हो जाते है,
किसी को साथ मुस्कुराते देख ही वो मुस्कुरा देते है,
साथी हो कोई बीमार तो उसका वो हरदम साथ निभाते है,
उन्हे तो बस आता है मिलजुल के जीना और हँसना गाना,
अपने नाम का मतलब पता होना तो बहुत दूर की बात है उन्हे तो शायद अपना नाम भी ना पता हो,
हम तो सपने पिरोते है पढ़ाई के ख़त्म हो जाने के,
और वो ख्वाब पिरोते है कुछ पढ़ पाने के,
हम तो लड़ते रह जाते है मम्मी पापा से,
और वो तरस जाते ही उनकी इक झलक के लिए,
और उनकी आवाज़ के इक स्पर्श के लिए,
मैं तो चला था उन्हे दुनिया दिखाने,
पर क्या उन्हे मैं दिखा पाऊँगा?
उनके घर के बाहर भी इक दुनिया बस्ती है इक दिन जब उन्हे पता लगेगा,
ना जाने देख के उसे इन्हे कैसा लगेगा,
इक ना इक दिन तो आना ही पड़ेगा उन्हे इस दुनिया में,
कौन उन्हे इसमे जीना सिखाएगा, कौन इनका इसमे साथ निभाएगा,
याद है मुझे वहाँ से निकलते हुए कैसे मुस्कुरा के सबने मुझे अलविदा कहा था,

याद है वो मुस्कान और वो bye bye करते हाथ,
क्यूँ ना मैं अपना कुछ वक़्त उन अपनो के साथ बिताऊँ
क्यूँ ना मैं उनके संग बैठ के थोड़ा सा हंसु और थोड़ा गुनगुनाऊँ,
क्यूँ ना उन्हे ये एहसास दिलाऊं की उनके घर के बाहर भी इक दुनिया बस्ती है,
उसमे रहने वाले लोग और वो दुनिया भी अच्छी है...
याद करके उनकी मुस्कुराहतों को अब भी दिल सहम सा जाता है,
बार बार कुछ पल वहाँ बिताने को ये दिल चाहता है
है सबसे बस यही इक इलतजा ,
थोड़ा सा संग उनके भी मुस्कुरा लो,
खुद भी जीना सीख लो और उन्हे भी दिशा दो!

We invite you all to extent your helping hand towards our noble cause. If you really have ever felt pity for these kids, do attend; because you never know how your short interaction with a  kid may inspire a dream into his/her mind

Balakalakaar 2011 : What is it exactly?

Posted: October 31, 2011 by Gaurav Prakash in AIESEC

What is Balakalakaar?

We at AIESEC Manipal University believe that there is a budding artist in every child. It is an event aimed at bringing out the artist in every child, in addition to the holistic development of the child. Through Balakalakaar we provide under-privileged kids from our city and other neighbouring towns, to express themselves through art, in the form of a painting workshop. This event is aligned to the cause of building an environment that helps improve the quality of life that is faced by the underprivileged children. It is the creation of an opportunity to help them discover and develop their potential in art forms of various types.


Balakalakaar 2010 was an event held by AIESEC Manipal University on the 14th of November 2010, at the St. Aloysius Grounds. The event had reached out to over 450 kids who spent their day painting, drawing, playing games, dancing, etc. The event was a very big success and also present were various local media.

BKK 2010


The event is being held with the vision of creating an impact amongst the youth audience in Manipal University and the surrounding areas and educational centres. The event is scheduled to be held on the 1st of November at the KMC Greens in Manipal. It will
be a day-long event, where over 1000 kids from various places like Manipal, Udupi, Kundapur, Mangalore and the surrounding regions will be brought to Manipal. Some of the NGOs/orphanages that AIESEC Manipal University has collaborated for the event are : Balgraha (Mangalore), Bagini Samaj (Mangalore, run by a social worker, 60 years old NGO), Stella Maris convent (Beeri,15kms from Mangalore, christian NGO with a school), Shri Krishna Balaniketan (Run by Shree Krishna Temple near Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College, Udupi), St. Joseph (Kundapur. Girls orphanage), CADTS (Mangalore), St Joseph (Mangalore) .

The agenda for Balakalakaar 2011:-

10:00 AM: Assemble at the venue

10:30 AM: Collect all art medium (Paints , brushes , crayons)

11:00 AM: Painting workshop begins 

1:00 PM: Lunch

2:00 PM: Dance , Fun and Games , Prize Distribution 

3:00 PM: Close 

A child has a right to be happy and loved, clip_image002
Be safe and protected from harm,
Be cradled in arms that will sacrifice all,
Be free from all stress and alarm.
Deserving of food when he’s hungry and cold,
To live in a world without fear,
To spend happy moments in effortless play,
To know that his parents are near.
So many today never know this to be,
They live like a bird on a wire,
For love and protection has vanished from them,
They live on the edge of a fire.
And millions of others, before they are born,
Snuffed out in the blink of an eye,
When women who say they have rights of their own,
Decide if they live or they die.
All children are precious, a gift from above,
Those with us and those yet unborn,
And how they are treated is all up to us,
Protect them, for we have been warned.

"Offend one small child", the scripture has said,
"And it would be better for thee,
That you have a millstone be placed on your neck,
And drowned in the depths of the sea".
Strong words you may say, but they come from our God,
A serious matter with Him,
For every small child has God-given rights,
Denying them would be a sin.
He said, "Let the children all come unto Me,
And hinder them not in their way,
For all of the kingdom of Heaven is theirs,"
Let’s guide them so they will not stray.

Balakalakaar 2011-
AIESEC Manipal University Initiative


Balakalakaar 2011

Posted: October 27, 2011 by Anirudh Sriram in AIESEC
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As per official estimates 17 million children in India live or work on the streets and 71% of them are illiterate.

One in every ten of them is disabled.

Currently, over 300, 000 children in India are forcefully engaged in commercial sex.

These facts and numbers may or may not affect us; but the facts remain true and reflect the condition of the future of our country.

Our country can and will progress only if we, as its educated citizens take up the onus of doing something meaningful for this society.

Keeping that thought in mind, AIESEC Manipal University has taken the initiative to add a day of fun, happiness and learning in the lives of such underprivileged kids around us with the nation-wide run event Balakalakaar.

The event is simply about creating memorable moments in the lives of hundreds of kids from Manipal, Udupi, Mangalore, and Kundapura.

Throughout the day, from teaching them small techniques to playing games with them to organizing various competitions for them, we intend to bring out the artist in each child, the Balakalakaar in them.

These are the kids who don’t have parents, who were abandoned, who are physically or mentally challenged or who are too poor to get the benefits of schooling. Life has been too harsh on them and we as the supposedly lucky ones want to make a difference in their lives.

Join us for this noble cause. Your one day’s engagement with them may inspire a dream into one these kids’ mind.


Balakalakaar 2011

Venue:        KMC Greens

Date:           November 1st, 2011

Click here to register

AIESEC Presents ‘Balakalakaar’

Posted: October 26, 2011 by Gaurav Prakash in AIESEC

It’s Deepavali, the festival of lights.

I remember how excited I used to be as a kid for this single joyful day to turn up and just turn the world around into a blissful aura. I used to be so demanding in front of my parents for gifts, crackers, sweets and what not.
Well now I look back and realize how lucky I have  been to have such great childhood days to remember or for that matter, to have led a normal childhood in life.

But I also realize that many are not like me and you. All of us who read this were born with the privilege to be led into a bright future.
Unfortunately, there are thousands around us who don’t get to experience the merry childhood days. And somehow we don’t even realize that we can do something for such thousands around us.

An open question? – How about taking out a day from our lives to do nothing but just re-live our childhood days with these underprivileged and adding a day of normality to their lives?

Well, the idea is great and guess what, it’s being worked upon.AIESEC in Manipal University understands the need to help shape the lives of the underprivileged kids around us and hence has taken up the initiative, once again, to do something for them. There’s an artist in every child; with this thought in mind, AIESEC Manipal University brings yet again a day of fun, frolic and learning for the  underprivileged kids around us. The motive is nothing but to create a happy memory in the lives of these kids who never got a chance to see what we just oversaw.

Presenting BalakalakaarAn artist in every child

Click here to register